
Mediatorsdescribethehoworwhyofa(typicallywell-established)relationshipbetweentwoothervariablesandaresometimescalledintermediaryvariables ...,Amediatorvariablecaneitheraccountforallorsomeoftheobservedrelationshipbetweentwovariables.Fullmediationedit.Fullmediationmodel.Maximum ...,由DPMacKinnon著作·2007·被引用7807次—Amediatorisavariablethatisinacausalsequencebetweentwovariables,whereasamoderator...

Chapter 14

Mediators describe the how or why of a (typically well-established) relationship between two other variables and are sometimes called intermediary variables ...

Mediation (statistics)

A mediator variable can either account for all or some of the observed relationship between two variables. Full mediation edit. Full mediation model. Maximum ...

Mediation Analysis

由 DP MacKinnon 著作 · 2007 · 被引用 7807 次 — A mediator is a variable that is in a causal sequence between two variables, whereas a moderator is not part of a causal sequence between the two variables.

Mediator Variable

A mediator variable is the variable that causes mediation in the dependent and the independent variables. In other words, the mediator variable explains.

Mediator Variable Mediating Variable

In statistics, a mediator variable is one which explains the how or why of an (observed) relationship between two variables.

Mediator Variables

由 MS Fritz 著作 · 2016 · 被引用 10 次 — Mediator variables are variables that lie between the cause and effect in a causal chain. In other words, mediator variables are the mechanisms through which ...

Mediator vs Moderators in Research

2023年4月18日 — A moderator variable affects the direction or strength of the relationship between two other variables.

Mediator vs. Moderator Variables

2021年3月1日 — A mediator explains how or why two variables are related. A moderator affects the strength or direction of the relationship.

Mediator vs. Moderator Variables ~ Definition & Examples

2022年11月10日 — A mediator variable shows the connection between two variables. However, another third variable may affect these two and make them seem related ...


2010年6月8日 — 中介變數(mediator)與調節變數(moderator) · 1) DV = b0 + a * DV · 2) Mediator = b1 + b * IV · 3) Mediator = b2 + c * IV · 4) DV = b3 + a * IV + c ...